This service actually offers 5 individual services all under the same umbrella, Trend Trades, Hedge Trades, Commodities & Indicies, US Stocks and finally Position Trades. Our main interest was in the Trend trades, which are Forex based with a 92% success rate, described as a Day trading "trend type" service. There is more detail of what the other services are in our main review.
The Trend Trades Service - This is more a service that comes with a strategy which must be applied on a discretionary basis. Every hour on the hour one decides whether to Enter a trade based on the signal and price action, if in a trade, every hour on the hour, again one decides whether to exit the trade or stay in. So, quite a lot of work here for a signal service but one which was rewarding, for us. However, although rewarding it was quite time consuming and we also achieved only about 50% of the returns reported by the vendor. However, we fully understand that this may just well be that we were not fully experienced with the strategy.
Please visit to read our full review of this service and many other Trading systems and services.
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