Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Daily Index Trader Review - Summary

Another system where the words "geek" and "nerd" are used in the sales material. This time the vendor exposes a "payout loophole" that means you "get paid when you win, get paid when you lose". The system has a 76% win ratio since live trading back in September 2009 and does not involve sitting at a computer monitoring open trades. No previous experience is necessary nor is a big trading account.

The system comes with a 69 page manual but this is not the core of the system, the core is the "Evaluator". Simply enter the CAC and DAX closing prices from the previous day and the Evaluator provides details of which trades to use for that day. These trades are typically entered at 0915 UK Time and are Set & Forget. So, no charts, no screen watching, no hassle, does it work ?

Initially, the system is a little bit tricky to get the hang of, find the closing prices, enter them into the spreadsheet, check the trade details, execute the trade, update the spreadsheet, place Stop losses and then finally update and save the spreadsheet with the results ready for the next day. OK, that makes it sound really tricky but in reality, after a few trades it becomes second nature.

Anyway, after trading all through October and November we ended up slightly in the red, we were down around -6% based on a flat 2% risk per trade. Our results are similar to those reported by the vendor so based on our 2 months exposure we can confirm the results posted for that period are accurate.

Historically, the results for this system, according to the website, are impressive and this may just be a bad patch, don't all systems suffer these? On this based, we have decided to give this system at least another month and monitor progress in December for signs of improvement. We will of course be reporting back on the outcome.

Click on Daily Index Trader Review to read our complete review and our members comments or click here to try Daily Index Trader free for 45 days.

We welcome everyone to read and comment on all our Forex Trading System Reviews.

ReviewTeam -

Systems For Traders - November 2010 Update

November 2010


Welcome to the Systems For Traders November 2010 update.


Four new reviews were posted this month, one we already dropped a note out on a couple of weeks ago, Jamie Marsdens Forex Morning Strategy. This is a Forex "scalping method" operated around 07:30 UK time. We have also just published our review of the Daily Index Trader system, a Set & Forget (index based) pairs trading strategy.

Signal service wise we have two, Winning DOW Signals and Forex Daily Trading, both of which have aspects of interest and we will be monitoring these two for another month.

As always, links can be found on the left hand side of this email and we welcome your input.

Although we do not not trade in December we will continue with reviews where those systems/services do not discourage December trading. With this in mind we still hope to complete another 3 or 4 reviews this year.

Performance: A positive month (and year) - just:

- London Forex Open -7.5%
- DOW Letter +8.5%

That's a +1% return for the month. It means our 2010 performance table is now complete as we don't trade in December. After being well in profit in the first half of the year we ended up with a rather dismal net +10% profit for our "Systems/Services We Use". Our journals, see left hand side and our Consolidated Monthly Performance page have been updated to reflect these results.

As it's the end of the year we will be reviewing our "Systems/Services We Use" list and of course issuing any update should we change anything.

Reviews Updated: The FX Friday, Forex Morning Trade and 1 Minute Daily reviews have also been updated to reflect recent trading. Note: 1 Minute Daily has made another impressive profit this month to finally restore us to positive territory again on our "growth fund".

Trading Rooms: We now have 7 active trading rooms and welcome participation from all who own these systems, the link is here.

Thanks again for your continued support.


ReviewTeam -

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