Tuesday, 5 April 2011

The Boss Trading Method Review

This strategy is used to trade GBPUSD only on the 5 minute timeframe.

The Boss Trading Method is a follow up to the Boss Wins method, also included with this strategy.

Set up is simple, 3 industry standard indicators. One can trade just 7am – 8am UK time or all day “for bigger gains”.

In February and March we traded just the one hour each morning and ended up just over 3% for the period (based on 2% risk per trade).

We are aware that the (reported) gains are much higher if traded 7am – 3pm and for this reason we have committed to this in April and May. As always, our progress will be reported on the website.

Please visit our Forex Trading Systems Review Site to read our full independent review of this system and many others.

You can also read additional comments submitted by our members (other traders like you). Membership is completely FREE and your input would be more than welcome.



Quickie Trader (Louise Woof) Review

A DOW based strategy that is traded at 3pm and/or 8pm UK time.

The manual is very well written and in terms of Entry, Stop and Target, beginners will have no trouble at all picking up and understanding this strategy. However, as this is the DOW and is a kind of scalping method “newbies” may well struggle with the active trade management and this often swiftly moving instrument.

The performance we witnessed in March may not have been typical of this system, we came out slightly down for the month.

Our opinion is however that the system would be best suited to a wider Stop than that advised, we just got chopped out of too many trades too “quickie”ly and easily.

Please visit our Forex Trading Systems Review Site to read our full independent review of this system and many others.

You can also read additional comments submitted by our members (other traders like you). Membership is completely FREE and your input would be more than welcome.



EOD Trading Signals Review

Our second Fixed Odds Signal service review this month (March 2011).

A similar service to Matt Shaws (Fixed Odds Success) only this one has specific Signal times, 11:00, 15:00 and 23:00, which is handy.

The returns per trade with this service are also slightly higher, on average, around 40% but this is offset by a longer average holding period of around 14 days. Once again, due to the nature of the popular Fixed Odds bet (No touch) this service underperformed during the volatile markets caused by the recent uprisings and earthquakes.

With a reasonable track record and all historic results posted on their website, this is also a service we will be providing a 6 month view on. Again, this is in the hope we see a more stable world and thus markets and performance.

Please visit our Forex Trading Systems Review Site to read our full independent review of this service and many others.

You can also read additional comments submitted by our members (other traders like you). Membership is completely FREE and your input would be more than welcome.



Fixed Odds Success (Matt Shaw) Review

This is Matt Shaw’s (Mr Fixed Odds Trader) Signal service.

Matt is probably one of the longest (if not the longest) serving Fixed Odds traders we are aware of.

His service provides Fixed Odds signals for Indices and Forex with typical returns of 30%+. Average duration is about 5 days and once placed trades are Set & Forget.

After an excellent start to the year (January was +15%) the service suffered mainly due to unexpected world events. Amends were made in March and we will continue to monitor and report back at the end of H1 2011 with a 6 month synopsis.

Please visit our Forex Trading Systems Review Site to read our full independent review of this system and many others.

You can also read additional comments submitted by our members (other traders like you). Membership is completely FREE and your input would be more than welcome.



Black Dogs Forex Review

A strategy that has been around for quite some time now.

It uses the "Black dogs" (Up/Down arrows on an Meta Trader 4 chart) in combination with a series of other indicators for Trade entry. For Stop setting, Target setting and Trade management there are a number of options.

As well as the standard Black Dogs system there are 3 alternative strategies. There is a huge amount of information provided on the dedicated Black Dogs forum in relation to the various options. So much so it took us quite some time to come up with an approach we were happy with.

Our results were disappointing, however the approach we applied was probably not one anyone else would ever use, with the various amount of options it's a case of choosing what you believe will work for you. That said we are led to believe there are many people successfully trading this system and with perseverance this is of course possible.

There is an excellent support infrastructure around this product offering excellent help but for us, just too much information and too many options.

Please visit our Forex Trading Systems Review Site to read our full independent review of this system and many others.

You can also read additional comments submitted by our members (other traders like you). Membership is completely FREE and your input would be more than welcome.



Secret Forex Trader Review

This is a strategy we have had on review for a while and in actual fact it's a little different this one.

It's a set of DVD's and a Signal service. The DVD's (10 of them) are in our opinion a sound introduction for those new to Forex and Technical analysis. At a cost of £1,000+ though one has to weigh up the fast track convenience factor versus trawling the internet for similar material.

The Signal service ("zonal alerts") is also included. It is advised to use the material taught in the DVD's to apply your own analysis to the "zonal" alerts. We traded them "as is" and still made an average 4% a month over a four month period (October 2010 - January 2011).

We are told that changes are afoot here.

The Secret Forex Trader team are looking to release a "teach all" method (FX Evolution) which will mean with the newly acquired knowledge the trader will not require the Signal service. We continue to monitor the signals and the FX Evolution launch in the coming months.

Please visit our Forex Trading Systems Review Site to read our full independent review of this system and many others.

You can also read additional comments submitted by our members (other traders like you). Membership is completely FREE and your input would be more than welcome.



Newsnight Trader Review

A new strategy, released at the end of 2010.

This is Richard Hill's follow up to the hugely popular Forex Net Trap system. This time we are liking it more. It is much more mechanical and requires just 10 minutes each evening around 10pm. Check for a simple set up, enter/amend your trades accordingly and walk away until the following evening.

January got off to a flying start and we made +700 PIPs. This is based on a 280 PIP stop, so at 5% risk per trade (as suggested in the manual), it's an impressive +12.5% return for little effort at all.

We have since had a losing trade but nonetheless we will continue to monitor this for the next couple of months and of course, provide updates along the way.

Please visit our Forex Trading Systems Review Site to read our full independent review of this system and many others.

You can also read additional comments submitted by our members (other traders like you). Membership is completely FREE and your input would be more than welcome.



Systems For Traders - March 2011 Update


Welcome to the Systems For Traders March 2011 Update.


Four new reviews to report this month. Two Trading system reviews, Boss Trading Method and Louise Woof's Quickie Trader. In addition, a bit of a Fixed Odds Signal service bonanza with Matt Shaw's Fixed Odds Success and the EOD Trading Signals reviews being posted.

Systems/Services We Use Performance

Another great month for Forex Morning Trade, +11% to add to the +15% profit from last month, currently +23% Year To Date for 2011.

1 Minute Daily made up a lot of the ground lost last month with GBPUSD returning +15% and USDJPY returning +21.5%. Remember, we use this system for "growth" not income and these swings are not unusual - USDJPY is yet to return to profit to far this year but overall we are up as GBPUSD continues to outperform at present.

Performance Updates

Performance for "Systems/Services We Use" as well as those systems/services we are continuing to monitor post-review have been updated for the current month.

Links, as always, can be found on the left hand side of this email. At present we intend to continue monitoring all of these.

Post Of The Month (NEW Book Reviews Section)

This is more of a - New section of the month award this time - It of course goes to BookWorm whose new Trading Book Reviews section is, we believe, excellent. Do check out the first 5 reviews, Japanese Candlestick Charting Techniques, Pring On Price Patterns, Market Wizards, Reminiscences Of A Stock Operator and Trading In The Zone.

BookWorm, we are not only thankful for the reviews but also for the agreement that any purchases made through our Global Investors BookShop will be donated directly to our current Donate A PIP charity.

Donate A PIP

Our Donate A PIP campaign is still open. Do you trade at £1 a PIP, £5 or even £10 a PIP? Has Systems For Traders ever saved you the cost of a PIP? We welcome any contribution to our chosen chartity for this season - Cancer Research UK - You can Donate A PIP here - At present we are 75% of the way to our £1,000 target and we are grateful to those of you that have already contributed.

As always, we thank you for your continued support and welcome your comments in the forum because that's the way it becomes more useful to all of us.


ReviewTeam - www.systemsfortraders.com

Systems For Traders - February 2011 Update


Welcome to the Systems For Traders February 2011 Update.

The update is a little late as we were waiting for a couple of February results to come in and we had to change our Email client this week. The latter meant we didn't hit our self imposed four new reviews a month target. We hope to make up for this in March.


Three new reviews to report this month. Two Trading system reviews have been completed, AutoFocus FX and DMC Forex as well as the Mark Austin FTSE Signal service review.

Links, as always, can be found on the left hand side of this email.

Systems/Services We Use Performance

After a negative return in January (-3%) Forex Morning Trade made a 15% profit this month.

1 Minute Daily made a -22% loss on GBPUSD and a -7% loss on USDJPY in January. This month the drawdown continues, a -2% loss on GBPUSD and a -9% loss on USDJPY. Historically we know these drawdowns can occur and that's why we use this system for "growth" not income. This is one of the lows so hopefully we can report a correction from here next month.

Performance Updates

Performance for "Systems/Services We Use" as well as those systems/services we are continuing to monitor post-review have been updated for the current month.

Links, as always, can be found on the left hand side of this email. At present we intend to continue monitoring all of these with the exception of Fix The Markets.

Post Of The Month

Goes again to more_coffee, we thank you for taking so much time to put pen to paper in relation to Trading System Development. Others will find it of interest for sure and may contribute to the subject - The link is here.

(Suppose that's another drink on us when we get round to organising the SFT get together - Surely someone else can beat him this month)

Donate A PIP

Our Donate A PIP campaign is still open. Do you trade at £1 a PIP, £5 or even £10 a PIP? Has Systems For Traders ever saved you the cost of a PIP? We welcome any contribution to our chosen chartity for this season - Cancer Research UK - You can Donate A PIP here - At present we are 38% of the way to our £1,000 target and we are grateful to those of you that have already contributed.

As always, we thank you for your continued support and welcome your comments in the forum because that's the way it becomes more useful to all of us.


ReviewTeam - www.systemsfortraders.com