Saturday, 4 June 2011

Systems For Traders - May 2011 Update


Welcome to the Systems For Traders May 2011 Update.


Five new reviews to report this month. Two, we mentioned in a previous email, Forex U-Turn and Assaxin 8 are joined by a review of FX 180 and the FTSE 100 Club Signal service, the latter we are continuing to monitor. In addition we have provided an update on the new Piptastic service which has changed significantly since our original review.

Systems/Services We Use Performance

Another negative month for Forex Morning Trade, down -2% but still averaging +3% per month since we added it to our Systems We Use list. Strangely the vendor reported a positive result this month - We stand by our results, as traded on Smart Live Markets.

1 Minute Daily - A reversal of fortunes from last month with GBPUSD returning +28% and USDJPY suffering a -23% draw-down. The net effect - Our "growth" fund is still yet to grow.

Performance Updates

Our Journals for "Systems/Services We Use" as well as the original reviews for those systems/services we are continuing to monitor post-review have been updated for the current month.

Other Bits & Pieces

Post of the month this month goes to Sarniacherie for her dedication to the 3 Ducks 1 On 1 strategy - Sarniacherie 3 Ducks 1 On 1 Results Year To Date 2011, we thank you for your participation in the Trading room and for providing your monthly updates on performance under the main review.

Donate A PIP - We are now 79% of the way to raising £1,000 for Cancer Research UK. Once we hit this target our next charity will be chosen by BookWorm, we welcome all donations no matter how big or small and thank you in advance.

Finally, do please use our Voting system, available for every review, your opinion is useful and appreciated.


ReviewTeam -

FTSE 100 Club Review

The FTSE 100 Club is in fact two Signal services, a FTSE Signal service and a Forex signal service. Both operate pretty much the same but are reported separately. Signal delivery is by SMS only with Entry and Exit being at current market price. It does mean that you need to be able to react quickly to all signals to emulate the results published on the website. Nowadays though this is not so much of an issue as most of the more common brokers now offer a mobile trading platform. Based on 2 months access we made an average +10% a month across both services based on 2% risk per trade, this more or less the same as they reported on their website for the same period.

We are continuing to monitor this service which can be trialled for just £10 during the month of June, see our main review for details.

Please visit our Forex Trading Systems Review Site to read our full independent review of this system and over 70 others.

You can also read additional comments submitted by our members (other traders like you). Membership is completely FREE and your input would be more than welcome.


FX 180 Review (Keith Cotterill)

Keith Cotterill is name familiar to many of us, and this is his latest product, a Forex Trading system which is used to exclusively trade Cable. It is recommended to trade the system between 6am and 11am or 1pm and 4pm, the UK and US Forex opening sessions respectively. This system is quite mechanical, it relies on Price action, a Stochastic indicator and a Moving average.

We traded this system as per the manual during the UK Forex opening session (6am – 11am) for 3 months. We made 31 trades and an average monthly profit of +3.22% based on 2% risk per trade. With just 10 trades a month though it did mean some days (for 5 hours) we sat at our trading screen and made no trades, frustrating!

Please visit our Forex Trading Systems Review Site to read our full independent review of this system and over 70 others.

You can also read additional comments submitted by our members (other traders like you). Membership is completely FREE and your input would be more than welcome.
