Monday, 12 July 2010

1 Minute Daily Forex Trading Strategy

The 1 Minute Daily manual is quite well written, it’s only 41 pages but plenty sufficient to get the strategy across. It opens with a little bit about trading (and strategies), it then discusses breakouts before describing how to install the indicators and place orders. The installation (of the indicators) and placement of orders should be plain sailing for those with experience of MetaTrader 4, those without will obviously have a slight learning curve.

It really does seem like a minute each morning (09:00 for GBPUSD) 100% mechanical strategy, place two orders, one Long and one Short. The only requirement after this is to be around to cancel the opposing order, if/when the first order triggered hits it’s profit level. This check doesn’t need to be done any more than every few hours as the difference between the target and opposing order entry level is usually quite significant.

Our back-tested results for April and May matched those reported and we also had a positive June, which we traded on a real account, see below:


• April 2010 – 14 trades, 9 (+40.5%) winners and 5 (-25%) losers = +15.5%
• May 2010 – 18 trades, 9 (+40.5%) winners and 9 losers (-45%) = -4.5%
• June 2010 – 22 trades, 13 (+58.5%) winners and 9 losers (-45%) = +13.5%
Net gain of 24.5%.

• April 2010 – 13 trades, 7 (31.5%) winners and 6 losers (-30%) = +1.5%
• May 2010 – 13 trades, 5 (22.5%) winners and 8 losers (-40) = -17.5%
• June 2010 – 14 trades, 9 (40.5%) winners and 5 losers (-25%) = +15.5%
Net loss of 0.5%.

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  1. As a new person to this market I must say that this strategy is absolutely a good one. I read the whole information and saved it for reference for later on. Thank you so much for explaining it.
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  2. Woah, 1 minute trading is extremely risky for a newbie. I'd recommend 15 minute trading minimum. If you would like to learn some 15 minute option trading strategies. Checkout my site by clicking on my Google Profile.
