Saturday, 18 July 2009

BOM Signals Forex Signal Service Review

A Fixed Odds, set and forget signal service, well, two actually. There is a Core service and a 100% Club service, both are completely free (for email delivery) with a £10 monthly fee for SMS (if required). Trades for the Core service return between 30% - 50% per trade and so far this year there have been 7 winners and no losers. Trades for the 100% Club return 100% and there is a signal every day. The performance this year is no where near the 75% return achieved in 2008, actually its showing a 5% loss. Most trades are 7 days in duration and are delivered between 08:00 & 09:00 and 18:00 & 19:00 UK Local time. This is a completely free, open and honest service which we use. However, although the Core service is impressive we are not so sure the 100% Club can be as profitable as it was in 2008.

Please visit to read our full review of this service and many other Trading systems and services.

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