Saturday, 11 July 2009

Easy Trade Forex Trading System Review

A 48 page manual which we doubt is written by someone who's native language is English, nevertheless, it is comprehensible enough. Recommended time-frame is 4 hours but the system "has been successfully tested for any time frame". System is based on a rudimentary version of Fibonacci which is used to forecast a "Power Turn Point". As the methodology behind this system just didn't make sense to us we didn't back-test or attempt to use this system in real-time.

Please visit to read our full review of this system and many other Trading systems and services.

You can also read additional comments submitted by our members (other traders like you). Membership is completely FREE and your input would be more than welcome.


  1. I will surely visit the link recommended above to read the full system review about Forex Trading. I wanted to know what this system actually explains and what type of information do it provides.
    trade options

  2. nice bLog! its interesting. thank you for sharing.... 70trades
